Found a mini-crab!
I was taking the pre-filter cartridge off my powerhead (use it to polish the water now and then), and I walked over to my sink to open it up and remove the filter pad when this tiny little crab fell off it and was running around turbo style in my sink! he was less than 1/2 cm accross - litterally micro-sized. I caught him moments before he would have plumetted to a terrible death in the garborater, and put him back in the tank.
he must have been a hitch-hiker on my LR, but he sure must've been small when I got him, as the rock is 4-5 weeks old now. I'm hoping he doesn't grow into a big mean bastard that I regret saving.... He was green-ish, and hopefully an emerald crab (I mean, really, how many other species of crabs can there be in the ocean?) I just didn't have the heart to not keep him.
That was my excitement for the night (hey, it's Sunday).