This IMAX feature was just 'ok'. It was a Cliff notes version of the Underwaterworld series, which are available on DVD and has been on TV numerous times as well. There wasn't anything new here at all.
**spoiler here - don't read if you don't want to know!**
It was the same Sun Star chasing the Feather Stars scene, nudibranch eating the Tube Worm, tortoise at the cleaning station, coral spawning, octopus eating a crab, mantis shrimp defending it's lair, humboldt squids eating frantically etc. I just wished they could have been more original. There's also not many coral shots unfortunately so don't expect to be naming corals throughout the movie because they just aren't there. When they filmed the cold water octopus 'hunting', it was obvious that the crew tossed 2 dungeness crabs on the ground and then started filming. lol. I understand that they can't follow an octopus all day long to get the money shot, but I still chuckled to myself.
It's very cool in 3-D, but I always walk out with a headache from these. Knowing what I know now, I should have paid 16.00 for both movies rather than 11.50 just for this one. But with the group rate offered here, I guess it's a good deal. Just don't expect anything new, which is a shame. All that work put into a project and somebody else has already done it years ago.