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Old 02-27-2006, 01:19 PM
atcguy atcguy is offline
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Location: White rock
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Default new hqi bulbs WOW $$$$$$$$$$$$$$4

Just changed out my 2 250 w Hqi bulbs from Hamilton 10000k to geismann 13500k. Wow what a difference. I still have 2 110 w VHO actinics. My colors are much better. I was on a 1pm-10pm cycle (9 hours) before. What are most of you using ? Also I was told to reduce the cycle til everything adjusts. 3 days now at 4 hours. No signs of stress other than my anemone moving up and getting sucked around my seio intake, came home to chewed up tenticles floating throughout my tank. Its fine now back in the sand. and hasnt moved in a few days. should I start to increase an hour a day til back up to 9 hours. getting into sps now aswell. How fast do you guys move your new corals from the sand up to their final home?? Thanks
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