lets not flush him yet. Keep your water quality top notch, target feed with selcon or other vitamins. when he dies then u can flush him, but dont count a fish out untill you know he's dead, mbaye not the toally humane thing to do, but he went through hell being netted, bagged, shipped, stressed out at the LFS, its the least you can do to help the bugger out.
jmo tb
135 gallon reef
corals:kenya tree,colts,blasto,gold toadstool,gps,zoo's,ricordea,elephants ear,rhodactis mushrooms,finger leather. 7 inch squamosa.
Livestock: powderblue tang,scopas tang,sailfin tang, blue tang, longnose hawkfish, coral beauty,2 clown fish,royal gramma,checkerboard wrasse, sixline wrasse.
soon to running 55 gallon refugium.