Selling a few things from my old 55 reef setup:
Coralife 48" LunarLight 4-65W (SP) - $150 FIRM (retail $319.95 CDN)
Was used for less than 6 months, great light for softies/lps, great deal!
- Two built in 3/4W LED Lunar Lights
- Built in Electronic Ballast
- Built in Cooling Fans
- Separate on/off controls for dawn/dusk effect
- Acrylic Lens Cover
- 2-Coralife SP 65W 10000K Bulbs
- 2-Coralife SP 65W Actinic Bulbs
Dimensions: 48"L x 7"W x 2.5"H.
System includes all bulbs.
CPR CS-100 overflow - $75 OBO (retail $149.95 CDN)
HOB overflow (ie don't need to drill tank for sump)
Used for ~4 months, good condition;
aqualifter pump (to maintain siphon) not included
I have all accompanying instructions
- Flowrate: 800GPH
- Bulkhead Size: 1"
- Width: 10"
55 gal AGA used for 6 months, for $50.
48" standard NO (40W) flourescent light (minimal use), for $20.
Located in Surrey, PM me if you're interested..