Thread: blue boxfish
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Old 02-25-2006, 09:20 AM
neptune9824 neptune9824 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 26
neptune9824 is on a distinguished road

He is a very pretty fish. I love the box fish species. I personally have a cowfish. He is really cute. I love how they will follow you around and beg for food.

I just wanted to make sure you new about the toxin that the boxfish can give off that could destroy your entire tank. The blue box fish is actually the worst when it comes to releasing the toxin. If you ever see him stressed or about to die make sure you put him into quarentine immediately.

I have been taking care of these fish for about four years. Like I said they are my favorit and they have great personalities however they can be dangerous to there tank mates.
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