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Old 02-23-2006, 08:42 PM
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Psyire Psyire is offline
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Originally Posted by Matt
I'm told that you can adjust the alk pretty easily with baking soda (sodium bicarb). It beats the heck out of a long drive and expensive shipping...

From advanced aquarist To raise 50 gallons of tank water by 1 meq/L will require about 16 grams of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate; sodium hydrogencarbonate). Since a level teaspoon of baking soda weighs just under 6 grams, then 1 teaspoon will raise the alkalinity in that 50 gallons by ~0.4 meq/L (~1 dKH).

I wouldn't recommend this as Kent has never said exactly what was wrong with that shipment. For all we know some mystery ingredient was added that dropped the ALK and is deadly to our aquatic friends. Be safe and replace the salt.
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