Aquasafe Maximus RODI - Finally!!!
This has probably been the most frustrating thing I have tried to deal with in a long time!! Getting a proper quote from these people is almost impossible! As it stands we can get 10 complete (this includes 1 set of filters & the membrane but no meters) MAXIMUS units at $133.75 each including shipping & GST for pick-up at our location in South Surrey. This does not include guages, meters extra filters etc. There is no break in pricing for filters, resin, or membranes. so this will be units only! No EXTRA filters, meters, resin, or membranes. We will need to have orders (paid for by cash,email transfer or Paypal) for at least 9 units before we place the order. PM to place your order please.
Thank You, Doug & Sellie
Last edited by seashells; 02-24-2006 at 10:36 PM.