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Old 02-20-2006, 09:37 PM
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Default slight underestimation

I wonder whats the likelihood that 70 buckets were distributed all over the US and Canada to have this defective batch of salt? I think they are either -
- in a damage control mode,
- have a severe underestimation of the problem
- a typo (700 instead of 70)

But regardless if JL is willing to replace, now THAT is customer service. Kuddos for them

Originally Posted by Denis
Just got responce from J&L:
Two options since you are local:

1. Send sample to Kent, and they will replace bucket of salt
2. Bring in bucket and we'll replace.

If anyone orders Kent salt we are informing them before shipping. I was told
by Kent that it was one batch (70 buckets). If that is the case then not all
of ours is bad.


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