My tip is go glass
I broke a piece of my 90gallon top,and wanted a new top made for my bowfront and speedy glass took 1 day to make them both, and it cost me $27 ($12 of that was just for the appointment)
I find plexi expensive and harder to clean. Only bad thing about the glass is you can't cut notches into it, you have to take off clean straight or slightly rounded cuts... makes life harder. But if you can get ur hands on some of the plastic that people use on the glass tops that you can cut for filters and stuff, you'd be set. If you are in Calgary, there are a few aquarium makers to try, other than that, you can find it hopefully from a local privately owned aquarium store, online, or direct from a wholesaler.
The filter and heater are purely users choice. You pick where you want them... and then tell us, and we can give you a run down if thats a good or bad idea. Also, include the type of filter, if there will be powerheads, etc.