seahorses dont need lots of research???
ive got 8 of them in a 20 gallon reef tank.
just make sure they ARE eating frozen mysis shrimp.
they are alright with ammonias and nitrates
and make sure you have lots of branching rock or Calerpa algae for them to anchor onto or they will stress out and die.
also dont have to much flow as they arnt very strong much flow will blow them to the other side of the tank.
umm..hermit crabs and brittle stars arnt a good thing to have with them...they are to slow moving of a fish and the hermits can pinch them and injur them, making them and easy target to kill...and believe me..they will do it. i work at a saltwater fish store and ive seen it happen.
make sure theres no rock crabs in you rock, bristle worms are alright, the seahorse skin is like armor and bristle worm stings cant peirce it
no fast moving or aggressive fish that will compete for food with the horses.
fish like firefish, gobies, blenny's, MAYBE percula long as there not to mean...not damsels in 3 stripes, 4 stripes anything like that.
other than that you wont have a problem with them
good luck.