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Old 02-16-2006, 10:32 PM
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Still doesn't make sense. I know people (myself included at time that keep mixed up salt water, heated and aeriated) in case an emergency water change is needed. I also use a rubbermaid trash can and have never noticed anything percipitating out. I have noticed changed on freshly mixed water in the first 24 hours but not after that. I mean most of the trace elements, calcium and alk. that goes into our tanks comes from our salt water. The only other chemical to cause a reaction are those that we add and I don't think we would want to be adding anything that is going to make calcium, alk/DKH, or mag. percipitate out (those being the most common things we test for and really all I test newly mixed salt water for). What have you noticed that has percipitated out after 24 hours? Just curiious and trying to understand this.
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