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Old 02-16-2006, 08:44 AM
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Ruth Ruth is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Fort St. John, British Columbia
Posts: 1,605
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Let's see I bought 3 boxes from AI in Edmonton as I was desparate for salt - that is one store I try my best not to support. I got my buckets from BlkHawk (Joshua). I know that Island Aquatics in Duncan was talking about carrying it but not sure if they have gotten it in yet. FWIW I am also very happy with the Tropic Marin pro salt and that I have been getting from reef perfections out of Ontario because he just has his sister bring it out to Abbotsford. He charged me $50 to ship 8 buckets at Christmas and I have just ordered another 8 buckets which I will pick up at Easter.
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