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Old 02-16-2006, 01:28 AM
Van down by the river Van down by the river is offline
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Vancouver-Lurking in a fish store near you
Posts: 199
Van down by the river is on a distinguished road

The Imported Live Sand is a complete waste of your money for more reasons I care to type.

Follow Joe Reefer's advice.

In 15 years I've never had an exporter or retailer be able to prove that "Live Imported Sand" was collected and handled in such a manner that the organisms would survive transportation to a hobbyists aquarium. Any good quality live rock will quickly seed your sand bed.

The Aragamax live Sand Myanth refers too has no living organisms (worms or inverts). It is innoculated with bacteria in a dormant state. Once you add circulating water and oxygen it "seeds" your aquarium. This product seems to work, but so does adding live rock or some sand from a fellow aquarists tank.

Oh yeah, this is so true!
(be sure to rinse dry sand for like... ever.)
Van for short
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