Getting out of hobby sale
We are sorry to make this sale but we are getting out of the hobby at this time. Livestock is all sold except 1 undulated trigger.
Tank is a custom built 230 gallons (6' long 2' deep and 30" high) with built-in overflow. It has a 80 gallon sump and a 2x4 steel tube powder coaded stand,
stainless steel canopy with 2 metal halide bulbs, ballasts and igniters. Also has a protein skimmer.
Also available is a RO water purifier with reserve tank and faucet, sink with built in thermometer in tap, Mag 18 pump, several other power heads, heaters, a 33 gallon and a 44 gallon tanks etc.
Tank 230 gallon with skimmer $1000.00
Stand with sump $500.00
Light canopy with 2 Iwasaki 400 MH bulbs $400.00
RO purifier unit $175.00 ***SOLD***
Sink and tap with built in thermometer $75.00
Mag 18 pump $75.00 ***SOLD***
44 Gallon tank with canopy and stand $100.00 ***SOLD***
Misc stuff $10.00 to $30.00 ***SOLD***
The wetbacks.
Last edited by Wetback; 02-25-2006 at 12:54 AM.
Reason: Adding pictures