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Old 02-14-2006, 03:20 AM
Wetback Wetback is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Calgary
Posts: 17
Wetback is on a distinguished road
Default Getting out of hobby sale

We are sorry to make this sale but we are getting out of the hobby at this time. Livestock is all sold except 1 undulated trigger.

Tank is a custom built 230 gallons (6' long 2' deep and 30" high) with built-in overflow. It has a 80 gallon sump and a 2x4 steel tube powder coaded stand,
stainless steel canopy with 2 metal halide bulbs, ballasts and igniters. Also has a protein skimmer.
Also available is a RO water purifier with reserve tank and faucet, sink with built in thermometer in tap, Mag 18 pump, several other power heads, heaters, a 33 gallon and a 44 gallon tanks etc.

Tank 230 gallon with skimmer $1000.00
Stand with sump $500.00
Light canopy with 2 Iwasaki 400 MH bulbs $400.00
RO purifier unit $175.00 ***SOLD***
Sink and tap with built in thermometer $75.00
Mag 18 pump $75.00 ***SOLD***
44 Gallon tank with canopy and stand $100.00 ***SOLD***
Misc stuff $10.00 to $30.00 ***SOLD***

The wetbacks.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Sump and stand.jpg (134.4 KB, 245 views)

Last edited by Wetback; 02-25-2006 at 12:54 AM. Reason: Adding pictures
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