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Old 02-12-2006, 12:36 AM
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Pansy-Paws Pansy-Paws is offline
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Delta, B.C.
Posts: 125
Pansy-Paws is on a distinguished road

I'd summarize them as follows:

Volume 1 - biology of corals, system setup, disease, stony corals, clams
Volume 2 - soft corals, zoos, mushrooms, anenome, propagation
Volume 3 - as described previously, heavy system orientation

As far as duplication, half of volume 1 is probably updated in volume 3, which incorporates the latest trends. Both are still worth it since the stony corals and clams are unique to volume 1.
- Lyle

Our tank

29 gallon nano-tank
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