My finished 2.5G nano tank.
Hi Guys Here my 2.5G nano tank.
I am going to call it done now
Specs; RedSea Wave tank(2.5G), AC 20 Fillter, 25 Watt ML heater, Coralife 9X2 50/50 light, about 2Lbs of LR and a pound or two of Araga. sand.
Corals; Yellow Polyps, Green Star Polyps, Bubble Gum Zoos, Green Buton Zoos, Elephant Ear Mushroom,Hairy Mushroom, Blue Mushrooms and Purple Mushrooms.
Crustaceans; Bumble Bee Shrimp, Blue Leg Hermit Crab, 2 Zebra Hermit Crab, Margarita Snail, and 2 Astraea Snai.
Last edited by Deathstar; 02-17-2006 at 11:19 PM.