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Old 02-11-2006, 04:46 PM
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acanthastrea freak
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Well I have a FOLWR and i not home for the duration of the lights being on. With that I have no corals in the tank so I dont require actinic all the time.

ANd It saves on buying Actinic every 6months. I only have to buy them every year or something like that, I'm cheap like that.

But with HQI your bulbs are 14K already arent they. If so you can run them all day or part of the day depending on the blue effect you like. shouldnt be a problem. If you had 6500K iwasaki bulbs or 10000K bulbs then you would need actinic's on all day to take out the yellow or to balance out the white....

180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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