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Old 02-09-2006, 11:28 PM
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Originally Posted by lil_clownfish13
like duh-- its poisonous--
They are venemous not poisonous.

In reality, you can't expect local doctors/nurses to know how to treat the venom of a tropical marine animal. Especially since it's not something they're likely to encounter, if this was Fiji or Austrialia...

But the vet had a reaction to the sting. Not dissimilar to a reaction to a bee/wasp sting.

The story actually contains misleading information, the sting isn't deadly (unless you have a reaction to it), and won't cause long term damage.

Speaking from experience, burns like hell. And you spend an awful lot of time explaining to clinic/er staff that all you want them to do is make sure none of the spine is left in the wound, and ensuring it's properly cleaned.


Last edited by AndyL; 02-09-2006 at 11:30 PM.
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