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Old 02-09-2006, 03:20 PM
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Raf Raf is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Upper Lonsdale, N.Van BC
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Thanks for the comments!

I will ask Diana where she ordered them from.

As for stats:

Tank: 110 Gallon Perfecto, 48"h, 18"w, 30"h
Tops: Glass Marineland flip top
Light: 1 Coralife Aqualight 96 watt, 1 3 foot Actinic strip 40 watt
Heater: Ebo Jager 250watt
Skimmer: Prizim Pro
Filters: 1 Eheim 2215 and 1 Eheim 2217
Powerheads: 2 X Maxi Jets 1200
Background: Black
Rocks: 50-60 pounds Vanuatu live rock
Other decoration: 2 X Sea whips and 1 sea fan, some shells for the trigger to hide in
Substrate: Reef sand
macroalgae: i will ask Diana
Fish: Niger trigger, Picasso Trigger, 2 X Gold Barred Maroon Clowns, Valentini puffer, Porcupine puffer, Queen Coris, Yellow Tang, Pacific Sailfin Tang and a small school of blue/green chromis.

The camera is a Nikon D70 DSLR with a 60mm f.2.8d macro lens.

Raf & Diana

Our Reef Tank:

Our Photos:
Nikon D7000 DSLR w Nikkor 2.8d 60mm micro lens amongst others
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