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Old 02-07-2006, 07:18 PM
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TheReefGeek TheReefGeek is offline
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This will take a few hours min. to fix.

Hard drive might have gone, leaving no OS to boot from. This would mean a new hard drive, and re-installing the whole OS and drivers, etc.

Or this is just an OS issue, could be some corrupt files. Then you would need to backup your current drive to another computer (unless you have 2 drives, or a partition for your OS) and then format the drive, and re-install the whole OS and drivers, etc.

It could be motherboard related too, but less likely.

So unfortunately it is basically a whole night of diagnosing and fixing, at best.

This is the best I can tell from your info, it might be simpler and only be an hour to fix a small issue, but it is tough when it is the only machine because you dont have another one to test with.

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