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Old 01-31-2006, 05:04 PM
lil_clownfish13's Avatar
lil_clownfish13 lil_clownfish13 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 100
lil_clownfish13 is on a distinguished road

My dad built me a stand and used metal brackets to brace the corners of the stand (it was only for a 66) but he used solid oak to do it (to make it stronger) and built bracing inside it as well. I wish i had a picture to post for you-- just dont use junky plywood or chipboard-- it gets wet...and thats it...Oh and also-- mine was a cabinet style stand-- so flat on top, flat on bottom (to distr. weight) and then a 2 cabinet setup underneath--

sorry to be long winded-- but maybe try the metal brackets... insurance etc.
20G Softies/LPS + Clowns Etc.
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