I have ordered lots of stuff from the US and as far as I know customs and taxes have nothing to do with how large an item is or how much it weighs - it is calculated on - among other things - the value of the item. If the skimmer is made in the US there should not be any duty on it but all Federal and Provincial taxes are payable. Depending on who the shipper is - and in your case it looks like it's Fedex - they charge a brokerage fee for clearing it through customs for you. There is another thread on the board about shipping and it might give you some good information. So it depends on where the skimmer is made, the value of the skimmer, and what shipper is used. My experience is to use USPS as the shipper to avoid the high brokerage fees once it gets here. Some people have the shipper place a lower declared value on the item to lower taxes etc. when it gets here. Myself I don't take that chance as if you are caught doing that you will lose the item, pay the taxes, and who knows what else. HTH