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Old 01-29-2006, 03:15 AM
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Default reef roids

i say this with reservation because i've never kept sea-horses but i wonder if reef-roids will be eaten by baby seahorses. seem small like rotifers and smaller than bbs. might be worth a try to try to get them onto non-live foods.

Originally Posted by blood_hound
My Seahorses got busy.
I was cleaning my seahorse tank last thursday and I notice that three of my seahorse pouch was really big, at first I thought it was nothing but still decided to put them in a seperate tank then when I was watching them today "boom" one of the seahorse exploded with babies...

Now I put up couple of brine shrimp hachery for food.


Is brine shrimp enough for these babies?
What are the likely hood of survival for my baby seahorse?
how long would it take for seahorse to mature enough so I can relax a little bit?
Anybody want a baby seahorse?? lol
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