Fakename, WIll do.
After talking to a few people I am going to take their suggestions and put in a sump and buy a better protein skimmer first. I know, I know...I am taking away from the budget..ness of the reef tank but the point is to test the lighting and not the other equipment.
I don't know if putting the corals high in the tank is cheating but that is what I plan.
I will probably have the whole set up created in the next couple months since I am now going to blow about 400 bucks...Hell, there is no such thing as "blown Money" when in comes to an aquarium...except on lighting IMHO....and on over priced live stock..(can I through in my props to J&L aquatics, the best Aquarium store I have ever been to with the most reasonable prices.)
I already had a psuedo-reef before but since then have been only really Fish, LR and inverts. I want to get the corals going again. Softy corals that is.