Thread: Emerald Crab
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Old 01-25-2006, 06:37 PM
Marcus K Marcus K is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Posts: 192
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Default Emerald Crab

I picked up a purple/gold feater duster the other day for the LFS. I have never saw one this colour before so I picked one up. The day after my wife noticed that a emerald crab was dragging it around the tank. She noticed the crab trying to eat the parts of the tube. I for some reason did not believe her so I moved the feather duster to a new spot. Later that day I checked on the tank and noticed the feater duster missing. I soon found the emerald on top of the duster stuffing his face. I have put the emerald into my fuge for now. Any have this problem with emerald crab?

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