Originally Posted by OCDP
I think you could very well use your two important pieces of advice to ANY fish, and not just puffers. The net rule at least 
YEsss! EXACTLY! I try to preach "NO NETS" if all possible. I just dont want to sound to pushy. Hehe But for puffers I think "NO NETS", "NO AIR", its a MUST. Since puffers have the ability to inflate their stomachs which is not limited to water, when raised into the air, you run the risk of the puffer inflating himself with a stomach full of air. Which is not a good thing, many puffer have difficulties expelling trapped air.
I HATE nets though. Sometimes you just gotta use a net, but I just transfer the fish from the net to the container under water. Then I lift them up with water in the container. That way they dont get any air. I really do find it helps the fish in transfer. Less panic and stress.
Besides...I look at it this way on the topic of exposing fish to air... What if someone chased you & then pushed you under water, you would panic & wouldn't be able to breath. So I consider this the same for the fish being lifted into the exposed air. They can't breath! NOoOOo! Poor fishy!