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Old 01-24-2006, 02:02 AM
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jennytheleopardgrouper jennytheleopardgrouper is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Victoria
Posts: 39
jennytheleopardgrouper is on a distinguished road
Default Evil worm?? Help!

I just bought several fish yesterday and threw them in my main tank (yes..I bad) Well this morning I found this....THING swimming around, eating alongside the fish. It swam just like a fish and thats what I thought it was for a second. It's about an inch long, a little longer. It's slightly greenish at the front, and a more yellow-brown towards the end. My questions are: 1.What IS this?
2.Is it bad?
3.Would it have come with the new fish...inside one I guess since I checked each before putting it in the tank...
4.I just fed Cyclopeeze for the first time. Could the worm have been in my tank all along and just came out of hiding seeking a new treat?

Pics are at

120 gallon tank, 100+lbs LR, 50 lbs Crushed Coral Substrate, Seaclone Skimmer, AquaClear 500 filter, 2-36" T5, 2-48" T5+ 2-48" regular flourescents.

Clarkii clown, 2 False Percs, Regal Tang, 6-line wrasse, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 Brittle star, 1 large featherduster, snails, hermit crabs.
Blue, green and red mushrooms, toadstool, 2 cabbage, polyps...
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