Thread: Dying corals
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Old 01-19-2006, 02:42 AM
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Default Dying corals

Ok Geopod had a candy that was dying so I took a piece to try it in my tank over night it changed it was like night and day I could not believe the difference
THEN last night it was looking awesome and when I came home tonight It changed again

How over night it could change from this

To this "OVERNIGHT" in almost exacty 24hrs

Right now I am so P.O'd

In the last few days I added a frog spawn that was not doing well(It wouldn't open up) now tonight it is delfated not retracted, deflated and just flopping around like a limp noodle (Update it has now retracted into it's skeleton)
Could this have something to do with it?

My lights just shut off I will try to get the parameters

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