Week 1 tips...
Don't have them in your main tank. If they are laid in the main tank, remove the eggs to another tank. Some people encourage the use of PVC or Clay pots for laying... Dad does a good job fanning.
Best to use a small, but not too small tank. Small enough so it's easy for the babies to find the food (high food density), big enough so that you have the benefit of water volume to increase water quality.
Change the water daily. Water parameters should be exactly the same.. TEMP, PH, Salinity at minimum. I take water from the main tank. You have to be particularly anal about this. They will die if you mess up.
Only use a sponge filter. The other filters will suck them up.
use Barebottom, It's easier to clean.
Suck the detritus out, Suck out any dead babies. use a turkey baster, or air line tubing. Don't suck up the children.
If the current in the tank is too high, they babies will use all their effort trying to swim. Try to keep it lower. (no power heads! Just sponge filter is ok)
Feed Rotifersfirst. Feed a few times a day, sporadically. In a pinch you can use ground up frozen BBS (buy it from a store, Hikari makes some), then eventually BBS.
Umm yeah.. Good luck