Thread: anomone help
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Old 01-12-2006, 03:32 PM
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Originally Posted by OCDP
How old is your system? What kind of lighting are you running? What are your tank paramaters? If you added an anemone (especially a sebae) to an unmatured system, then chances are the anemone will not make it. Bubble Tips are one thing.. because they are the most hardy anemone. Sebae's are a little more picky, though I have no first hand experience.

Nothing other than "waste" should be coming out of it's mouth. If the mouth is gaping (or open at all) then it's an indication that the anemone is sick.

My suggestions.... return the anemone if possible , or trade it to someone with proper lighting and tank conditions and have a mature system. If that's not an option then keep your tank paramaters pristine and make sure there is the least amount of stress on the anemone possible. Once they start to stress, I have noticed.. they just seem to only get worse. (with bubble tips that is..)

Good luck..

This is assuming that the tank conditions are unsuitable, or the tank isn't matured. He hasn't said that so I don't think the suggestion neccessarily applies yet.

Just leave it be. As long as it is attached to the rock I think it has a chance. Not that I am claiming to know much about anemones, but when I first got my bubble tip everytime the anemone would shrink up or move or look funny I bit my nails too. That was over a year ago, one tank and one clone later as well.

I am not saying that your anemone will be fine but I think its best chance will be if you leave it alone and take care of your aquarium conditions. And also read the FAQ that was posted above.

My .02.
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