Welcome to Canreef!! I too started out being attracted to this hobby by marine fish and the exotic and vibrant colours they came in. Many thousands of dollars later I still love the fish, although now like more unusual or different fish my fatal attraction is to the corals.
I agree that you should not have any problem at all keeping hermit crabs and small brittle stars. A small aquarium will definately not be adequate to house any kind of linkia star and it is still hotly debated whether a large system can keep them alive. Other that for your own viewing pleasure you should not be limited by any type of lighting and could probably get away with none except natural room light. On the other hand if you want to add live rock to your system and see it all turn different shades of purple with coralline algea growth you may want to look at some kind of Power compact or Very high output flourecence (sp) lighting preferably with some kind of actinic suppliment.
Good luch and don't feel shy about asking questions.