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Old 01-10-2006, 08:16 PM
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Jaws Jaws is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Victoria
Posts: 1,255
Jaws is on a distinguished road

SB means sandbed. We tend to forget sometimes that new people won't understand abbreviations. I remember my first time on the board. I couldn't understand a thing. I thought everyone who used abbreviations were hardcore geeks and now I've joined the ranks. Welcome to Canreef.

For something like a starfish and a hermit crab, minimal lighting, and filtration will do just fine. Most starfish and hermit crabs can survive with little or no lighting. Some people even use them in their sump without light to feed on detritus or bad algae. I've had a chocolate chip starfish in my old 70G tank for three weeks now without light, waiting for all the hair algae to die and waiting for the starfish to eat all the aptasia. Both starfish and hermit crabs are pretty hardy animals that can survive in poor conditions. Introducing them to an aquarium is usually the hardest task. Adding them to water with different parameters than what they were in before, like salinity, alkalinity, and temperature, can be too big of a shock to their system and they can die easily. A slow acclimation is best. JMO (just my opinion)

Last edited by Jaws; 01-10-2006 at 08:19 PM.
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