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Old 01-10-2006, 07:07 PM
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Default A reef-ish setup designed for: Calinus Laevimanus or C.tricolor, and/or an Ophuroidea

Hey, (this is my first time posting here - hello everyone)

I was doing research reciently on some reef aquariums. But first a short story

When I was little my parents had (among many other freshwater tanks) a 55 gallon saltwater tank. It wasnt a reef though. One time we were at one of those large department stores (whom had a interesting aquatic section) I remember there being a serpent starfish probably Ophioderma (or is it Ophuroidea I have read sites with differnt names) brevispimum or somthing similar. We didnt purchase one---we had no idea what it actually was. Anyways I have always been interested in differnt types of inverts, but not neccissarilay corals or sponges.

Now, I was wondering if you could make a small aquarium for the sole purpose of keeping some sort of Serpent Starfish or maybe hermit crabs like the dwarf blue legged. Would it be easy to keep some of these in a nano type reef? If so (or maybe if not so) how would you go about doing this?

Obviously, you would need to setup up a fish tank, like any-other. But what I was wondering about more so was: lighting, size, filtration, feeding, ect.

I can't seem to find much information on keeping these species specifically. Thanks!
- Ruttle,

"Whats that?" "My Crayfish... I think its molting." "Are you sure... it looks dead"
....a day later the crayfish is floating on the surface.
"Are you sure its molting?"
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