My beloved critters must find good homes... here are the quantities and
items for sale:
75 - Various hermit crabs - blue legged and scarlet red hermits mostly,
loonie to dime in size. All reef safe. $125
25 - Various snails Turbo, Astrea, Margarita and Bumble Bees. $50
3 large Red Scarlet Cleaner Shrimps. $75
1 - large Coral Banded Shrimp. $20
2 - Red Starfish (each slightly larger than a twoonie, excellent on algae
and detritus, and reef safe) $30
8 Green Chromis Damsels (very docile and love to school) $40
2 True Percula Clown pair (1M 1F) and a beautiful large bright yellow
and pink based anemone (Heteractis Magnifica). Will only sell as group. $125
1 Blue Ringed Angel (Pomacanthus Annularis) $60
1 Yellow Watchman Gobie $15
1 Cleaner Wrasse $10
Heres a quick look at the overall tank setup (tank and equipment are not for sale):
Please feel free contact me via email directly for further information: r.bremner 'at'
*Serious inquiries only, thank you.