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Old 01-09-2006, 07:09 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: vancouver
Posts: 438
DEAD_BY_DAWN is on a distinguished road
Default Not a virgin birth

But i was amazed none the less to find my once very plump and very pregnant seahorse just pumping out the babies on christmas morning,there were twenty eithgt in total born within forty eight hours,as of today they have been reduced to two, but the two that i have left are doing great,eating and growing fast,they have finally found out what there tails are for and are hitching on some screen that was given to me by james from O.A,the reduced numbers from what i can tell were a result of weak offspring and a bloody great crab i found the the other day,i will try to post some pics for anyone intersted in the next few days,thanks for all those that helped out with info and gear..john
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