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Old 01-08-2006, 07:08 PM
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Raf Raf is offline
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Originally Posted by Delphinus
Wow AMAZING depth of field and clarity and colour .. and well .. everything ... with those shots, just amazing.

Hey a question about those Nikon DSLR's .. can you use any Nikkor lenses with them or do you need "special" lenses for them? I have a large investment in lenses with my Nikon SLR over the last 10 years and if I could keep on using those with a DSLR it would make a HUGE difference..

You can use regular lenses, however some of the features may not work(autofocus, etc)....also, there may be a difference in focal length, hence a regular 60mm lense will actually be a 90mm lense when used on a DSLR.

The pic in my avatar was actually taken with a DSLR body and a regular lens.


Raf & Diana

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