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Old 01-02-2006, 04:23 AM
lil_clownfish13's Avatar
lil_clownfish13 lil_clownfish13 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 100
lil_clownfish13 is on a distinguished road

I've always used a straight razor-- and when held at the right angle they really dont cause damage to the glass at all, especially when they are kept clean and free of rust. The only thing to watch is when u are scraping around or close to the silicon adhesion for ur tank pieces-- Be leaks baaaad!

The other thing ive used are those "algae scrubber" pad things-- take a little more elbow grease-- esp. for coralline, but y'know...

just my 2 cents

20G Softies/LPS + Clowns Etc.
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