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Old 12-30-2005, 03:44 AM
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dunl dunl is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Sylvan Lake, AB
Posts: 300
dunl is on a distinguished road

Well, a bag of shells from Michael's craft store outfitted one of my hermits with new digs on the first day (thought I had a dead hermit until I spied a nice, new, white shiny shell zipping along....), so hopefully there won't be any cannabilism going on there.

As for brittle stars, I forgot to mention that I have two of them. I'm liking the job that the turbos, hermits, and stars are doing so far, but I have a sahllow white sand bed, and I'd really like to get that stirred constantly if possible to keep it white instead of greenish, brownish, left-over-algae-colored.
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