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Old 12-28-2005, 06:21 PM
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rickjames rickjames is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Duncan, BC
Posts: 399
rickjames is on a distinguished road

Besides my dislikes for Telus, which I won't go into...

I have used ADSL, Shaw, and Shaw in the 3 homes I have lived in and Shaw has been by far the best connection. Better speed, less downtime, etc. Also, and I may be nitpicking here, but having to register your MAC address for ADSL is a royal pain in the @$$. Especially when since the registration tool is an obscure link and the password to use it is indepedent of your userid/password for web administration. So you always end up calling them and talking to the computer on the end (so annoying), and then to someone on their helpdesk. Oh and just a tip, if you talk jibberish to the computer voice on the other line it won't understand you and will put you through to someone right away rather then prompt you with annoying questions.

There that is my .02.
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