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Old 12-28-2005, 05:58 PM
fakename fakename is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 72
fakename is on a distinguished road

Reeferaddict: The problem is that their website offers a percentage based discount on boxing-day, but the percentages are being calculated from an artificially elevated price that J&L NEVER sells it's product for.
It sounds like J&L's logic is that everything in their store is always on 5% sale because the canadian dollar has gone up........
I'm not sure of the rules in Ontario retailers cannot claim that a price they offer everyday is a sale price.

So if J&L offered (and advertised) a 10% discount on product X, with an everyday price of $100, the expected price would be $90. However, if you assume that the price at $100 has already been reduced by 5%, then the "real" price is $105.26. A 10% reduction in that price gives a final price of $94.73.

So expecting a 10% discount on a $100 item, you only actually get a 4.27% discount from what they sell it for everyday.

I don't think the argument here is about whether or not J&L has good prices (they do), or if they are allowed to sell their products for what they want to (they are). The real issue is that a lot of people on the board, many good customers of J&L, feel that the store was dishonest.

While the laws around this issue may or may not permit it, it is certainly never a good business stratagy to alienate your customer base. I hope that J&L knows that people are upset, it's important to their business that they do. Businesses that don't care what their customers think, or don't care if they upset good customers soon find themselves having going out of business sales.
