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Old 12-28-2005, 01:24 AM
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prospero31 prospero31 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Maple Ridge, B.C./Richland, WA
Posts: 33
prospero31 is on a distinguished road

To be completely pragmatic about it (and as Jason McK says) - irrespective of any increase in prices - they continue to out compete other vendors - so I will also continue to purchase items from them.

<shrug> lose some on style points - if it was intentional but they still win where it counts - wallet
75 gallon tank, 33 gallon sump
60 lbs Sand, 75 lbs live rock, Euro-Reef 6-2+, Poseidon PS3 return, 2 x 250W 13K Giesemann
Branched Murex(?), Cerith Snails, Turbo Snails, Astrae Snails, Golden Cowries, Blue Legged Hermits, Red Legged Hermits, 2 Ocellaris clowns, Pygmy Angel