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Old 12-25-2005, 03:32 AM
Renegade Renegade is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 229
Renegade is on a distinguished road

I personally buy almost everything from J&l's. I don't think its fair to flame them when you don't know what they bought it for. JL's is always good about there prices there are the cheapest LFS that i found. sure something’s may have a mark up but, I don't mind giving a little more even allot (sometimes) b/c I know it will come back to me. I know them quiet well in there as I have bought 99% of the stuff for my tanks there. If I ever had a problem such as a price of a heater, I would talk to them and let them know what I found elsewhere and see what they would say. They may have had to buy them at a little higher price for some reason. I would probably end up buying it from them anyways b/c of the relationship I have built with them. In regards to the Canadian dollar they have signs posted in there store that at this time due to the rise in the Canadian dollar that certain goods are 5% off marked price. I work in retail and unfortunately there’s always going to be inflation. In regards to the TV comment at the beginning, those prices are hugely inflated. The price of electronics at your local best buy or Future shop are amazing what they get away with in comparison with some of your local computer shops. Have you ever asked a staff member of Best buy what they can buy a TV for? I know that when I buy from my LFS that if I ever have a problem with a product I’m not going to have the same hassle trying to return something online. But that’s JMO.

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