Gools you can buy them at home hardware. I had one in my home is New Brunswick when I was posted there. We had one is was a smaller version I think and it was amazing unit. It really sucks out the humidity.
But you have to watch out if you have a Natural Gas furnace. You will need to keep open a window of have a small pipe coming in to let cool air in. Or you will hve a negitive affect on the furance. Causing the fumes from the chimmey to follow thur down the fresh air intake in the chimmey.
other then that i have a friend out in Brandon that has about 1000 gallons of water running in his basement. sizes of tanks 240, 135, 150, 6x90's, 10x55's, bunch od 35's a couple of 110 they keep cichilds and it was around 90% humidity in thier house they installed one and kept their bathroom window open around 2 " and with in 24 hours the % was down to 37%
So yes they work awesome My fishroom is sitting at 46-50% I have the dehumidifier plumbed to the drain and set on the dial for around little less then normal humidity.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.