Stay away from that place. I used to volunteer there before I knew much, after the owner changed(about 2-3yrs ago)... but after I started to learn more.... I figured out that the way they keep their animals is horrible. I plead you not to support that place. Last I was in there, they had one SW fish, a clownfish, whom has never been for sale. The name has changed from Koi Pet Shop to "Evolution of Pets" because of the new owner, but from what I've seen(the staff numbers have dwindled, less customers, it seems to be going out of business slowly) they have not been able to change their sign...
I volunteered there for close to a year.... Evertime after that, that I've stepped in to there, it only gets worse. The owner also thinks she knows everything, and they've given out alot of incorrect information.
Sorry for the long rant, but just my 2 cents...
I'd reccomend something like Petcetera or PJ's over them any day.... But as we all know the best places in town are BA's and AI.
No more tanks  - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!