Thread: Rashes...
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Old 12-22-2005, 06:27 AM
BT05 BT05 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 40
BT05 is on a distinguished road

The only problem I've ever had was with palythoa. When first setting up my rockwork, I brushed up against a small one that had gone dormant (yes they can go dormant!). No rash, but it left my entire arm numb for a week. I still had control of my arm, but the sensation was really wierd.

So now I wear gloves as it could have been alot worse.

If you are concerned about toxic buildup you should run carbon in your water every now and then or even 24/7. I would guess that it could help explain the "sudden death" of certain corals that are more sensetive to the chemical warfare going on in our tanks.

There is also a silly myth that carbon will remove all trace elements from your water. It's more like a half-truth - Carbon does remove trace elements but ONLY when the ph of the water is at the extremes. (lower than 4 or above 12 I believe). I don't remember the exact numbers but I do remember that it is nowhere near saltwater or freshwater ph levels. So by the time it does start to remove these elements, everything in your would be dead.
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