Thread: confused
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Old 12-21-2005, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by asherah
ok another one of my fish died. Big surprise it's NOT the clowns. I'm wondering about them.
My blue green chromis is now dead. He was swimming around fine yesterday. This is just like my angel..I don't get it.
I tested the water again. BTW I just did a like a 40% water change after I scooped the gravel out. I added a little bit of sand aswell. Not much.
Everyone else is happy. The corals, snails, and clownfish.
ammonia - 0
ph - 8.2
nitrate is less than 40ppm
nitrite is less than 0.5ppm
I need to get a test for alkilinity.
they are nicely coloured. They are growing, and aren't losing weight. They also don't have any spots or anything like that. So I don't know what's going on!. I'm to scared to add anything new now.
How long has this system been running ? green chromis will die if they are picked on by other tank inhabitants, they don't handle stress well. As for your water quality your phosphate and nitrite, nitrate levels should be close to 0. What is your salinity at? Also ditch the gravel and get some aragonite sand, it looks great if you like sandy bottoms, and it helps keep a stabalized ph level.
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