Stocking for 72 gallon reef......
Hey guys, first off. Tank specs.
72 gallon bow front
70 LBS of live rock
90 pounds aragnite
Mag 9.5 in closed loop for circulation
Fluval 404 for circulation and mechanical filtration
Aquamedic Turbofloater 1000 multi skimmer
No sump
No refuge
Pc (4 x 65 watt lighting) soon to be upgraded to 2 250watt HQI pendants.
LPS, SPS. (not yet, waiting for light.....)
Weekly 20% water changes with R/O water.
Now, for that set up above, im planning the following fish. Please forgive me if i ovrestock a bit, im fairly new to SW.
Pair of Banggai Cardinalfish
1 Bicolor Pseudochromis
1 Royal Gramma Basslet
Pair of Ocellaris Clownfish
1 Sailfin/Algae Blenny
1 Powder Blue Tang
I will also be adding various snails, couple of shrimp. Hermit crabs, and poissbly one small star fish.
Am i ok with my stocking levels?? Am i over stocked, understock (meaning i have room for more), etc.