I've now owned my tank for approximately two years. I must admit (please no lectures) that I'm not the most well versed reef-keeper out there, but I do try quite hard to learn the art of this addiction.
Anyways... I bought this tank used. Shortly after purchasing it I discoverd that the tank had a serious cyano problem that the previous owner wasn't able to eliminate either.
The tank is a 50 gallon and consists of the following:
One 250 watt MH currently running about 6 hours/day.
Three Actinic Flourescents running 8 hours/day (currently not running).
One Fluval 304
One Remora Pro HOB protein skimmer.
One 5 gallon HOB refugium w/ miracle mud, live rock, & grape grass, lit at night.
Several Powerheads
3" Argonite Substrate
25lbs (?) of coraline encrusted Live Rock
Current livestock includes one tomato clownfish, one cleaner shrimp, a small mushroom colony, and a few baby snails.
I attempt to do a water change / vaccum / cyano suck at least once per every two weeks and have recently been upping the cyano suck and associated water replacement to at least once per week. I have been dosing with Kalkwasser to help ensure a high pH.
Things wrong with the tank that I am aware of that may be causing my cyano issues:
- burnt out actinics
- MH bulb is more than 1 yr old (spectrum may be off)
Sorr this is a bit of a ramble and possibly in the wrong section at that... but please help me?!