OK, Its a challenge to see these. Some people have it and others require some practice.. However, here they are, good luck..
I've done these before and every now and then I just HAVE to post new ones. The first two show depth really nicely and the second two, not as great but still very cool.
Post your own if you have any!!!
**Viewing Instructions**
To view this, you need to sit back from your monitor (at least 4' away, more is often easier until you learn to focus on it) and cross your eyes until the two images line up. The right is the left eye and the left is the right eye so it will appear in full 3D once you get it in aligned and in focus... Focus is hard to get if you've never trained your eyes to do this before, once they line up, just keep staring and your eyes will suddenly get it and the image will just pop out at you!!
Another method if you can't cross your eyes very easily is to hold your finger in front of you while looking at the pictures and make the two images you see of your finger tip cross the same area of each image to help line them up in the background. Then look at the tip of your finger and the two images should be lined up, pull your finger out of the way at the exact time as you blink, and your eyes "might" focus on the image. Blinking works for some, not for others.
Let me know what you think if you can "see" these. The 3D effect is REALLY worthwhile if you are new to this...
Disclaimer: I will not be held responsible for any eye strain, headaches, aches and pains, muscle twitching, soreness, color loss, eye damage, furry, rage or any type of mental insanity that may be induced by prolonged periods of staring at your monitor cross eyed. View at your own risk!!
OK, maybe I should have put that at the top of the message !!